Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Fancy Dress cricket match fund raiser for memorial day 1919 Warwick Queensland

My grandfather's( Jack Armitstead) photo albums never cease to amaze me. Of course there were no names, no places, no dates -well most of the time. On looking closely at one of the photos it did have a date and a title.

There it was right in the middle. Sketches taken of Barnes and Co's Fancy Dress Cricket match Saturday 12 April 1919 in aid of Memorial Day
Memorial Day fund raising was for housing for soldiers returned from World War I. 
I had always wondered what the people in fancy dress were doing in all the other photos on the nearby pages. Of course Trove ( https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/175739429) came up with a lenghty article in the Wawick Daily News on page 4  14 April 1919.
There was a procession of the fancy dress staff members of Barnes & Co from Percy St Warwick down the main street, Palmerin Street, to Queens Park where a cricket match was held-ladies versus the men.
Now the photo album had a few photos of the fancy dressed staff and thankfully the paper reported who was wearing what costume.
W.Dines as John Bull, Possibly V.Stendrup as Old Minstrel, P Cox as Uncle Sam
Anyone know who is here besides Old Minstrel?
Mr Percy Cox as Uncle Sam and ?
F.Gamble Snr as Commonwealth Flour and R.Le Bras as Commonwealth Flour

J. Beal as the Giant and ?
Here is the list of all the characters from https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/175739429

The following is a list of the ladies and gentlemen, who took part in the procession, together with the characters they represented:—-Gentlemen: W.Dines, John Bull; P. Cox, Uncle Sam; J. Beal, Giant; Royal Beal, Jack, the Giant Killer; G. Rayment, Humpty Dumphy; L. Barnes, Hard Hat Coon; V. Stendrup, Old Minstrel; T. Amies, Dope; J. Stevens, Black.Cat Clown; V. Thompson, Dummy; G. Ralston, Walter Raleigh; T. Barton, Comie Policeman; W. Nancarrow, French Chef; B. Hough ton, Court Jester; J. Watt, High Hat Conn; E. Mawson, Costermonger; C.Watson, Clown; S. Ralston, Wolf; J. Gillam, Pierrot; J. Furness, Quaker; G. Stay, Haymaker; V. Mann, Hayseeds Jockey: V. Carlyon. Coon; F. Gamble,jnnr., Jacob Looking for a Wife; F. Gamble, senr., Commonwealth Flour; R. 'Le Bras, Commonwealth Flour; C, M. Barnes, Cricket; J. Bennett, Bandsman; R. White, Scoutmaster; B. Hilliery, Scout; L. Peel, Scout; R. Fenwick, Scout; E. Newcombe, Gollywog; R. Dowie, Charlie Chaplin; W. Rudd, Isabel Pankhurst; P. Casey, Gipsy Queen; M. Nielson, Belgium; E. Finch, Ragtime; E. Boyce, Poppy; J. McMurtrie, France; M. Parker, Dutch Girl; P. Bennett, Gipsy; M. Atkinson, Billiards; D. Clifford, Queen of Peace; A. Hyland, Keep Off the Grass; F. Mogridge, Australian Girl; V. Miles, Belgium; F. Brown, Ireland; E. Cleary, Erin-Go Bragh; K, Cleary, Australia; G. Kelly, Spanish Dancer; P. Sinnett, Gipsy; F. Winterflood, Belgium; B, Bardon, Afternoon Tea; A, Dunn, Brown Paper Parcel; R, Dunn, Soldiers' Rest Home; M.Rooney, Flower Girl; A. McDonald, Flower Girl; E Lenoy, Flower Girl; I. Cox, Italy; A, Boyce, Superstition; P. Sims, Spring.
The result of the cricket match was as follows:—
Ladies;—E. Boyce 11, P. Casey 7, E, Finch 7, M. Bennett 2, I, Pankhurst 2, F. Mogridge 0, V. Miles 0, M. Parker .0, M. Atkinson 1, M. Nielson 1, J. McMurtrie 0, A. Hyland 0, byes 2; total 38.
Gents.—Charlle Chaplin 2, L. Barnes 6, J. Watt 0, J. Furness 0, T. Amies 9, J. Stevens 0, E. Mawson 0, T. Gillam 2, V. Thompson 1, G. Ralston 0, G, Rayment 0, byes 1; total 21.

Does anyone have photos of other characters?