Saturday 14 April 2018

Olive Emily Laws Part 4

Now the children come along.

In 1932 their first child was born, Jean Emily. Olive gave birth to four children, all at Marquis St Annerley. 1935, Shirley Louisa; 1937 Clifford Herbert; 1938 Alan Charles. When Cliff was about 6 to 8 weeks old she took ill (Nervous breakdown)  She was in hospital for a time but doctor felt it best for her to be at home, So it being school holidays Jean went to relations and family and a housekeeper looked after things.

She always loved to cook.  Saturday's lunch was for many years a roast dinner. There were always cakes and biscuits she had baked.
It was always important to her that she and her family attended church and the children belonged to the various groups in the Methodist Church at Annerley. She, herself, was a member of the Ladies Church Help. She regularly visited her mother once a week to do anything that was needed. She loved to sew and made all the children's clothes. Knitting and crochet were always her activity. Her hands were always busy.

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